
@justinbieber "You've been makin music for too long babe come cuddle" -her
Bilden är nog gammal eftersom hans tiger inte syns.

Instagram ♥


Justin har skaffat en liten apa som heter Mally. Han visade det idag på instagram men @laskingmm har lagt upp det tidigare. Jag vet inte riktigt hur han har tänkt, om han ska ha med Mally på sina turnéer, på konserter och meet and greet. Han hade ju Pac med gav upp efter inte alls lång tid. Det borde ju inte vara lika jobbigt att ta hand om en hamster som en apa? Aja, hoppas Justin och Mally får det bra tillsammans. 

Instagram ♥

Justin is my name,
flirting is my game,
haters call me fag,
cause they're jealous 
of my SWAG

Justin Instagrammar

@justinbieber Everyone in my team has been telling me, "keep the press happy" but I'm tired of all the countless lies in the press right now. Saying I'm going to rehab and how my family is disappointed in me. My family is beyond proud, and nothing's been said by them, my grandparents wouldnt know how to reach to press even of they did want to so that was a lie and rehab cmon. if Anyone believes i need rehab thats their own stupidity lol I'm 19 with 5 number one albums, 19 and I've seen the whole world. 19 and I've accomplished more than I could've ever dreamed of, i'm 19 and it must be scary to some people to think that this is just the beginning. I know my talent level and i know i got my head on straight. i know who i am and i know who i'm not My messege is to to believe. My albums could be about anything but my messages have been to never say never and believe, not to believe in me but to believe in yourself .. I honestly don't care if you don't believe in me because I believe in me, my friends believe, my family believe, my fans believe, and look where that's gotten me so far.. I'm writing this with a smile on my face and love in my heart. Letting u know first hand how I feel rather than have these story linger. I'm a good person with a big heart. And don't think I deserve all this negative press I've worked my ass off to get where I am and my hard work doesn't stop here... All this isn't easy. I get angry sometimes. I'm human. I'm gonna make mistakes. In gonna grow and get better from them. But all the love from you guys overcomes the negativity. I love u. Thanks


 @justinbieber Checkout @selfmaderyan new show
@justinbieber Young jb
@justinbieber Maybach music
@justinbieber Me and my bro


@justinbieber Enjoying life
@justinbieber me and @iputtheeconomyonmybackoverseas
@justinbieber Me and my bro @maejorali
@justinbieber Haha @liltwist on a horse is priceless
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